Anti-gay group tells supporters to boycott PayPal… can you guess what they use to take donations?

PinkNews logo on pink background with rainbow corners.

The Family Research Council claimed that “anyone with half a brain” should boycott PayPal over its pro-gay stance… but they’re not including their own donors in that category.

The internet payments company this week scrapped a planned HQ expansion to North Carolina after the state’s governor signed a law permitting discrimination against LGBT people – opting to search for a new home in a state where all employees will be protected.

Following the decision, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council declared in an email to supporters: “Good riddance! Anyone with half a brain shouldn’t want that kind of extremism operating out of North Carolina anyway.

“There was a time, not too long ago, when most corporations would have probably moved out of a state if it did allow such lunacy.

“Now that Big Business has been co-opted by LGBT activists, it’s not just demanding — but punishing — anyone who thinks the safety and privacy of our daughters is too much to pay for political correctness.”

But LGBT activists have noted that despite the group savaging PayPal and telling their supporters to reject their extremism, their website tells a very different story if you try to donate money.

Attempting to donate $100 to the group through their central payment system, we were very surprised to see the preferred option is… PayPal.
Anti-gay group tells supporters to boycott PayPal… can you guess what they use to take donations?
Their payment processing page says quite prominently: “NOW ACCEPTING PAYPAL! The safest, easiest way to pay.

“Please verify your donation amount before clicking on the PayPal button.”

Anti-gay group tells supporters to boycott PayPal… can you guess what they use to take donations?

(h/t JoeMyGod)

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