Hillary Clinton slams ‘outrageous’ anti-LGBT laws in new campaign video

The US presidential hopeful has blasted discrimination laws recently passed across the country.

A new campaign video from Hillary Clinton once again sees the Democratic frontrunner criticise LGBT discrimination that still exists in certain parts of the country.

In a response to the recent anti-LGBT law changes in Mississippi and North Carolina, Clinton’s new video pulls together her comments on LGBT rights and the bigotry often faced by the community.

Hillary Clinton slams ‘outrageous’ anti-LGBT laws in new campaign video

“I’ll fight to end discrimination wherever it occurs,” the former Secretary of State promises.

“It is outrageous that in 2015 you can still be fired for being gay, you can still lose your home for being gay, you can even be denied a wedding cake for being gay, and this kind of discrimination goes against everything we stand for as a country.”

The video also quotes from her famous 2011 speech to the UN, during which she proclaimed that “Gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights.”

She also reminds voters that it was she who made it possible for trans Americans to change the gender on their passports during her time as Secretary of State.

Her rival for the Democratic ticker, Bernie Sanders, last week promised to overturn the laws if elected President.

“As president of the United States, I would do everything I can do to overturn those outrageous decisions by Mississippi and North Carolina,” he told the view.

“We have gone too far as a nation. God knows we have seen so much discrimination in our history,” he continued.

“What we are trying to do is say, ‘You have your political views. That’s fine,’… But I hope we remember what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. told us.

Hillary Clinton slams ‘outrageous’ anti-LGBT laws in new campaign video

“You judge people on their character, not on the colour of their skin,” he added.

“And I would add to that not on their gender or sexual orientation.”

Sanders also recently accused his main rival of “insulting the entire gay community”.

Clinton has come under scrutiny for only backing same-sex marriage in 2013 – though Sanders himself did not officially back marriage equality until 2009.

Watch her latest video below:

The fight goes onEvery American deserves to live free from discrimination—no matter who they are or who they love.

Posted by Hillary Clinton on Sunday, 10 April 2016

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