Politician behind anti-trans law is himself listed as a ‘danger to women’

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A Republican pushing a law to ban trans women from bathrooms in Tennessee is himself being treated as a danger to women, and has been put in seclusion because of alleged harassment of female lawmakers.

Republican congressman Jeremy Durham is listed as one of the co-sponsors of a bill that is set to come before the Tennessee House Finance Committee, which would ban transgender people in public schools from using toilets that don’t match their “birth gender”.

The law is fuelled by a national scaremongering campaign suggesting that women aren’t safe with trans women around – with one vile ad even depicting a rape of a small child.

However, awkwardly it turns out the real danger to women might actually be… Republican congressman Jeremy Durham.
Politician behind anti-trans law is himself listed as a ‘danger to women’
The Advocate notes that House Speaker Beth Harwell took action this week to move Durham away from female colleagues after concerns about his conduct.

After repeated complaints about a “pattern of conduct” of sexual harassment from Durham, he has had his access to committee rooms and the House chamber limited – and had his office moved away from female lawmakers.

More than 34 current and former lawmakers, lobbyists, staffers and interns were interviewed as part of the investigation – with allegations of sexual comments and inappropriate physical contact.

In a memo Attorney General Herbert Slatery had urged action, writing: “Representative Durham’s alleged behaviour may pose a continuing risk to unsuspecting women who are employed by or interact with the Legislature.”

Durham denies all allegations of sexual harassment.

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