Woman asks advice on whether boyfriend’s same-sex attraction is ‘symptom’ of OCD

A woman has written into an advice column to ask whether her boyfriend’s same-sex attraction is a “symptom” of his OCD.

Writing to the Guardian’s Private Lives, the woman says her boyfriend of almost a year had an “intense” and “shocking” feeling that he might be gay.

Woman asks advice on whether boyfriend’s same-sex attraction is ‘symptom’ of OCD

She asked about whether the attraction to men could be because of a “type of OCD that can zone in on thoughts about sexuality”.

The woman goes on to say that he had been given a “diagnosis” of the same thing several years prior, but that he had refused cognitive behavioural therapy.

She goes on: “It seems to me that he thinks that the truth is that he is gay, but is suppressing that truth and feels anxious and stressed. I’ve tried to encourage him to speak to his doctor again but he feels embarrassed.”

The woman says in public “men stand out” to her boyfriend “more” than women.

She finishes asking whether counselling is appropriate, saying: “how can I convince him it’s a good idea? I’m also worried that OCD can be slightly misunderstood.”

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