North Carolina Democrats file new bill to repeal anti-LGBT law

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Democrats in North Carolina have filed a bill attempting to repeal the state’s damaging anti-LGBT law, which has led to growing boycotts of the state and lawsuits.

The state has lost a string of big investment ventures over Governor McCrory’s decision not to veto an anti-LGBT law which voided all local ordinances protecting LGBT rights, bans transgender students in public schools from using their preferred bathroom, and permits businesses to discriminate against LGBT people on the grounds of religious belief.

McCrory continues to insist the changes are “common sense”, despite legal action threatening to cost the state millions, combined with thousands of job losses.

But Democrats in the state are attempting to push back today – with a fresh bill designed to simply repeal the legislation.

HB 946, sponsored by Darren Jackson, Graig Meyer, Susi Hamilton, and Grier Martin, titled ‘An Act to Repeal House Bill 2’, simply removes all of previous provisions, and reinstates the local LGBT rights ordinances that were voided.

However, it has been met with a frosty reception from Republican lawmakers, who are apparently undeterred despite the heavy price paid by the state.

Republicans command a hefty majority in both state assembly chambers – holding 74 of the 120 seats in the House of Representatives and 34 of the 50 seats in the Senate. HB 2 itself passed broadly along party lines, by votes of 82-26 (House) and 32-0 (Senate), with Democrats walking out.

This means that any Democrat-led initiative to repeal it will have to convince a high number of Republicans to join the cause too.

A statement from the North Carolina Democrats says: “On Monday morning, Representatives Darren Jackson, Graig Meyer, Susi Hamilton, and Grier Martin filed a bill to repeal House Bill 2 (Public Facilities Privacy Act) in its entirety.

“Last month, North Carolina Republicans pushed through a bill in a one day Special Session. It took less than 12 hours from the time NC Republican House leaders released the bill to members and the public until the Governor signed the controversial legislation.

“The damage to NC’s reputation and economy has been swift and is growing exponentially.

“More than 400 companies have distanced themselves from NC because of McCrory’s job-killing discrimination law. It’s clear – HB2 is bad for business and it’s bad for North Carolina.”

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