Cruz pastor: Gays are incapable of true love like cannibals and Nazis

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A pastor who rallied with Ted Cruz has claimed that gay people love eachother like cannibals love their victims, and like Nazis love their children.

Senator Cruz shared the stage with extremist pastor Kevin Swanson at a religious rally in November, where Swanson called for the death penalty for homosexuals.

The Presidential hopeful ducked calls to condemn Mr Swanson for months before he finally admitted attending the rally was a mistake.

This week, Swanson has continued to make shockingly anti-gay claims.

He said: “We’re as bad as we possibly could be as a society.

“Get your kids out of the gender-neutral schools, get your kids out of the gender-confused mess.

“Please do not send them to the NAMBLA preschool right down the street or the GLSEN kindergarten or the gender-blendered primary school.

“Please, do not send them to the NAMBLA paedophilia preschool or the transgendered kindergarten. Woe to the man that transgenders the restrooms in the public schools.

“Woe to the man who opens up the floodgates to every form of sexual perversion for 12-year-olds, 14-year-olds, 16-year-olds, 18-year-olds.

“Woe to the parents that open up the floodgates for children to attend the gender-blendered school… Johnny Cash was right when he said God is going to cut you down.

“Yeah, I know homosexuals love each other. And cannibals love their victims. They taste good.

“And the Nazis loved their children, but that’s not love.”

Swanson recently called for Girl Scouts to be put to death for being too pro-LGBT.

(h/t RightWingWatch)

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