X-Men star Shawn Ashmore: I would play Iceman as a gay character

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Star of the X-Men movies franchise Shawn Ashmore has said he would play his Iceman character if he were gay.

Ashmore, who has played the character in various Marvel films, responded to the fact that Iceman has now come out as gay in the comic book series.


The 36-year-old played Bobby Drake in four X-Men films, most recently in Days of Future Past.

A version of Iceman came out as gay in issue 40 of the ‘All New X-Men’ series, after Jean Grey accidentally read his mind and heard his inner thoughts.X-Men star Shawn Ashmore: I would play Iceman as a gay character

Ashmore said he would be keen to play the character as gay, saying it would send a positive, affirming message to LGBT people.

Speaking to BANG Showbiz, he said: “I’m always interested in ‘X-Men’, it’s always been such a huge part of my career and life to be honest.

“What I think is interesting is that the X-Men have always been about diversity, it’s the key message of the film. For the ‘X-Men’ what makes us different is what makes us great, so if Iceman or Bobby came out in a film I think it would stay very much on point and on message about what the films are about.

“We did establish him as having a love interest with Rogue and with Kitty Pryde [Shadowcat] so it would have to be handled well to have that shift in his sexuality work for viewers. I think it could be really interesting.

“There haven’t been any discussions about me making another one but the series seems to be doing well and it seems to be very vital so it is a possibility. I would love to play the character again.”


Ashmore, who first took to the big screen as Iceman at the age of 19, said he thought the films had helped him to develop as a person, and improve his acting.

He added: “I’ve grown-up playing this character and what’s great about the series is that traditionally every four or five years we’ve made a movie so it’s been nice to have some distance from the character and go away and grow and mature as a person.”

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