Anti-gay governor now suing Obama over LGBT protections because freedom or something

The increasingly desperate Governor of North Carolina has declared that he is “suing Obama” in the latest spat over anti-LGBT law HB2.

The state has lost a string of big investment ventures over Governor McCrory’s decision to sign HB2 – which voided all local ordinances protecting LGBT rights, bans transgender people from using their preferred bathroom, and permits businesses to discriminate against LGBT people on the grounds of religious belief.

McCrory continues to insist the changes are “common sense”, despite legal action threatening to cost the state millions, combined with thousands of job losses.

Obama’s Justice Department recently issued a legal threat to Governor McCrory – warning him that he and the state could be found liable for violating civil rights protections.

However, the Governor has doubled down – filing a desperate lawsuit against the federal government today.

McCrory filed a desperate bid in federal court today  seeking “declaratory and injunctive relief” from the federal government – naming  the Justice Department, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and  the head of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, Vanita Gupta.

He wrote: “We’re taking the Obama admin to court. They’re bypassing Congress, attempting to rewrite law & policies for the whole country, not just NC.

“Our lawsuit seeks to ensure that NC continues to receive federal funding until the courts clarify federal law & resolve this national issue.”

McCrory said: “The Obama administration is bypassing Congress by attempting to rewrite the law and set restroom policies for public and private employers across the country, not just North Carolina.

“This is now a national issue that applies to every state and it needs to be resolved at the federal level.

“They are now telling every government agency and every company that employs more than 15 people that men should be allowed to use a women’s locker room, restroom or shower facility.”

Like many of McCrory’s actions so far, the legal action would be both hugely expensive and ultimately futile.

Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin said: “North Carolina’s HB2 law is blatantly unconstitutional and violates federal civil rights law.

“The Department of Justice has already been clear that it violates the civil rights of North Carolinians. The idea Governor McCrory is going to waste even more time and millions more taxpayer dollars defending it is reckless and wrong.

“HB2 is a vile law attacking transgender North Carolinians and leaves many more unprotected from discrimination. Rather than defending it, Governor McCrory should be working with state lawmakers to fix the mess he’s created.”

Equality North Carolina Executive Director Chris Sgro said: “The lawsuit that was filed today is just another tactic to delay a decision and is a continued waste of taxpayer dollars when it is already very clear that the only option is a full repeal of HB2.

“The 4th circuit court has already provided guidance on this and continued litigation by the state is simply wasteful. The state house and senate must fully repeal HB2 with Governor McCrory’s leadership.”

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