Sadiq Khan does not want exemption from Trump’s ‘ignorant’ Muslim ban

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London’s new Mayor has rejected the Presidential candidate’s promise to exempt him from the proposed ban.

Sadiq Khan has rebuffed Donald Trump’s suggestion that he would not be effected by the Republican nominee’s controversial policy promise to ban all Muslims from the US.

The newly elected mayor – who has pledged to crack down on homophobic hate crime – said the ban was something that directly affected those closest to him, and that making an exception for him was not the answer.

Sadiq Khan does not want exemption from Trump’s ‘ignorant’ Muslim ban

“This isn’t just about me – it’s about my friends, my family and everyone who comes from a background similar to mine, anywhere in the world,” Mr Khan said.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of the extremists,” he added.

“Donald Trump and those around him think that western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

Trump agreed to allow Mr Khan into the country after London’s first Muslim mayor – who has promised to promote trans issues across the city’s schools – said he would be unable to visit his US counterparts if the businessman became President.

“If Donald Trump becomes the president I’ll be stopped from going there by virtue of my faith, which means I can’t engage with American mayors and swap ideas,” he said.

Trump was quick to respond: “There will always be exceptions,” he claimed, adding that Mr Khan’s win was “a very good thing.”

Sadiq Khan does not want exemption from Trump’s ‘ignorant’ Muslim ban

However, it seems the outspoken millionaire – who says he would “consider” overturning equal marriage – will have to a do lot more than offer preferential treatment if he wants to win over Labour’s mayoral victor.

Mr Khan has attacked Trump’s racially charged campaign before, drawing comparisons between it and the highly criticised tactics of his defeated Conservative opponent, ‘pansexual’ Zac Goldsmith, who repeatedly accused his rival of sympathising with Muslim extremists.

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