Gay Mormon singer Tyler Glenn to perform as street re-named after Harvey Milk

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Gay Mormon lead singer of Neon Trees Tyler Glenn is to perform on Saturday as a street in the heart of Mormon country is named after gay rights hero Harvey Milk.

Glenn will perform at a dedication ceremony which takes place in Salt Lake City on Saturday morning.

Tyler Glenn

LGBT rights group Equality Utah spearheaded the proposal to rename 900 South as ‘Harvey Milk Boulevard’.

Last month the city council voted unanimously to rename the street.

The street is but a stones throw away from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon Church), which remains opposed to gay rights, despite claims that it is otherwise.

Milk was the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in California in 1977, after three unsuccessful attempts to gain office, but only held his position for 11 months before being assassinated by Dan White – a former colleague who had lost his position in city administration.

Equality Utah Executive Director Troy Williams said previously: “I think 10 years from now, 20 years from now Harvey Milk won’t just be an icon for the LGBT community.

“Harvey Milk will be an icon for all Americans and all Utahns. I think in time, all of Utah will be proud to have a street named after him.”

Harvey Milk Boulevard will join a list of streets in Salt Lake City to have been named after civil rights activists, including Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Rosa Parks Boulevard.

A new video from Glenn last month, takes a shot at the Mormon Church due to its stance on homosexuality.

Glenn has been vocal about reconciling his faith and homosexuality, even making out with Dustin Lance Black in a music video while maintaining his Mormon beliefs.

Gay Mormon singer Tyler Glenn to perform as street re-named after Harvey Milk

In 2014, two Mormons released a photo book showing them having fully-clothed simulated sex, to mock the institution that they were brought up in.

In the same year, the US post office unveiled a range of stamps to honour and thank Harvey Milk for his help in ‘liberating gay couples.’

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