Kristen Stewart’s new film receives standing ovation after being booed at screening

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The star’s new film was previously booed at a press screening.

Mere days after it was booed at the festival, Kristen Stewart’s new thriller has received a standing ovation at Cannes.

Personal Shopper received a barrage of criticism following a press screening on Monday, during which many members of the audience booed.

Kristen Stewart’s new film receives standing ovation after being booed at screening

However, the audience reacted very differently last night (May 17), applauding the star and her co-stars for four a whole minutes.

Stewart looked delighted with the response, and went on to embrace her co-stars.

The film – about to fashion PA who is able to communicate with her dead brother – has proved divisive with critics.

Speaking at the festival, Stewart said: “What’s exciting about Cannes is that yesterday no one had seen this film and today it’s in front of the whole world.

“It’s a very instant, very powerful moment. It’s like giving birth.

“People have expectations about what it will be. You expect anything at Cannes. You just go with the flow.”

The Twilight star was previously romantically involved with co-star Robert Pattinson, but following their split in 2012, tabloids began to link her to to women.

Gossip sites had printed invasive long-lens photos of her with rumoured girlfriends – but many assumed she was in the closet until she said of her sexuality last year: “Google me, I’m not hiding.”

The star spoke to Variety this month about why she has eschewed labels.

Kristen Stewart’s new film receives standing ovation after being booed at screening

She said: “When I was dating a guy, I would never talk about my relationships to anyone. I feel the same way now. I’m not hiding s**t.

“And I’m very obviously…”, she added before apparently trailing off halfway through the sentence.

“You don’t have to immediately know how to define yourself… I had to have some answer about who I was.

“I felt this weird responsibility, because I didn’t want to seem fearful. But nothing seemed appropriate.”

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