Susan Sarandon plans to make ‘female friendly’ adult films

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The actress also blasted Donald Trump, claiming he is “legitimising homophobia”.

Oscar-winning actress Susan Sarandon has revealed a her plans to make a surprising career move.

The outspoken LGBT advocate says she may move into the adult film industry, making erotic films which embrace a female point of view.

Susan Sarandon plans to make ‘female friendly’ adult films

Sarandon said that the porn industry could benefit from more female input, as current film makers are currently failing to represent women realistically.

“I have threatened, in my 80s, to direct porn,” she said.

“I haven’t watched enough to know what the problems are.

“Most pornography is brutal and doesn’t look pleasurable from a female point of view,” she added.

“So I’ve been saying that when I no longer want to act, I want to do that.”

The staunch Bernie Sanders supporter – who was attending an event to mark the 25th anniversary of Thelma and Louise, with co-star Geena Davis – also took time to attack presidential hopeful Donald Trump.

“What he did that was terrible is that he legitimatised racism and homophobia in order get that very discontented base that wants something authentic.

“What he did in the process was say, ‘It’s OK to be violent.’

“That’s why he has the KKK as one of his representatives,” she claimed.

“That’s been really terrible, besides the fact that America looks ridiculous.”

During a colourful session, she also branded the mainstream media “irresponsible” for its coverage of the election, before accusing acclaimed director Woody Allen of “sexually assaulting a child”.

Susan Sarandon plans to make ‘female friendly’ adult films

Earlier this year, however, Sarandon suggested she might vote for Trump over rival Hillary Clinton because his presidency could cause a “revolution”.

Sarandon has previously spoke about her son’s enjoyment of “colouring outside the lines” of gender.

“My son Miles is a musician and a DJ and sometimes when his band performs they all wear dresses, and he has long hair.

“I think the more crayons you have in your box to colour outside the lines, the more exciting it is.”

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