Gay man says he was assaulted after leaving West Hollywood gay bar

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

A gay man has said he was drugged and assaulted after he left a bar in West Hollywood.

Brandon Akridge, 27, said the last thing he can remember was walking out onto Santa Monica Boulevard after leaving Micky’s bar on 21 May.

He says he had two drinks before leaving at 1:40, but the next thing he can recall was waking up in intensive care unit of a local hospital.


“The doctor said when he did my blood test the things that showed up in my blood were consistent with date-rape drugs,” Akridge said to KNBC.

“The reason they don’t think I fell is there’s no scrapes. It’s all clean bruises on both sides all the way down my body.”

The man works as a bar back at the Gold Coast Bar.

He was covered in bruises, and had a cut over his left eye.

Despite Akridge not having reported his attack to the police, the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Department is looking into concerns of an increase in anti-gay violence in the neighbourhood.

Los Angeles Pride will take place in under two weeks.

The victim did start a GoFundMe page to cover his medical expenses, which has so far raised $2,840.

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