Watch: Libertarian candidate strips naked on live TV

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A political candidate has performed a striptease on live TV – as he announced he was ending his candidacy.

James Weeks had been standing for the party chairmanship of the US Libertarian Party.
Watch: Libertarian candidate strips naked on live TV

The politician surprised onlookers at the party’s convention in Orlando, Florida last night when he started removing his clothes during a speech.

Airing live on CSPAN, Weeks said: “After all we’ve had today… I figured we could use a little bit of fun.”

Playing music and encouraging the audience to clap along, the candidate removed his lanyard, jacket, shirt and trousers – ending up in skimpy underwear.

After the mortifying two-minute routine he confirmed he would be ending his candidacy, saying: “I’m sorry, that was a dare… I’m going to go ahead and drop out.”

Some Libertarians have called for his party membership to be revoked over the TV stunt.

Weeks’ political bio claims: “From a young age James always loved freedom. He has dedicated his life to achieving a free society, free from an omnipotent state that seems to wish to squeeze every last drop of freedom out of our lives.

“James advocates for individual liberty over the wishes of the collective. A free society based on individual rights and voluntary consent.

“For all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives; They have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose.

“The only proper function of government, under the condition of consent of the people, is the protection of the people’s right to life, liberty, and property. Anything beyond that, is illegitimate.”

The Libertarians nominated former Governor of New Mexico Gary Johnson as its Presidential candidate, while former Governor of Massachusetts William Weld was picked for the VP slot.

Both managed to keep their clothes on.

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