Cher compares Donald Trump to Hitler in her latest Twitter offensive

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Cher has launched a new attack on Donald Trump – comparing him to Hitler.

The pop sensation and gay icon took to Twitter to compare the Nazi leader to the Republicans’ presumptive nominee by having a side-by-side photo of them dressed alike.

Cher compares Donald Trump to Hitler in her latest Twitter offensive

Posting the picture she said: “I will make Germany great again!! I will make America great again!! I would love [sic] to know last time he thought American [sic] was great!!”

She then hit out at him, calling him a “coward” and claiming he never went to Vietnam because his father got him excused.

“Trump’s a coward whose rich dad got him four deferments while brave men died!!,” she added.

“Trump said his Vietnam was screwing chicks [sic] wonder what his PTSD was!?”

Earlier this year, the star – who turned 70 – suggested that Mr Trump didn’t actually to be President.

She said: “I don’t think he wants the job or I don’t think he actually wants to do the work.

“I think he wants toe job because it’s the ultimate deal and he’s the ultimate ego.

“I don’t know that I’ve heard or seen anybody like him and I also never thought that Americans would go for someone like him, a person of his quality.”

Cher compares Donald Trump to Hitler in her latest Twitter offensive



Since January, Cher has stepped up her criticism of Trump and last year said she would leave Earth if he became President.

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