Clueless star: Trans women should go pee in the bushes outside

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Clueless star Stacey Dash has claimed that trans women should be forced to pee in the bushes outside.

Dash made the claim amid right-wing controversy surrounding anti-trans ‘bathroom bills’ that repeal vital LGBT rights protections, ostensibly to stop trans women using female public toilets.

Speaking to ET, the former actress said she would not tolerate “tyranny” on the issue.

Ranting about Caitlyn Jenner, Dash says: “[Caitlyn] says she wants to go into the women’s bathroom and she’s a woman now.

“It’s tyranny by the minority. Why do I have to suffer because you can’t decide what you want to be that day? … It’s your body! So, it’s your decision, right? We all make choices.”

Asked what transgender people should actually do, she responded: “Go in the bushes.

“I don’t know what to tell you. I’m not going to put my child’s life at risk because you want to change a law, so that you can be comfortable with your beliefs.”

The actress’s suggestion is strikingly similar to leaflets handed out by the Ku Klux Klan last month. The KKK had also told transgender “freaks” to pee outside.

Dash previously claimed it was “propaganda” to suggest Republicans oppose equal marriage… despite official Republican platform planks opposing same-sex marriage.

She insisted: “That’s just propaganda. It’s not true, you know? “That’s a certain amount of people, you can’t just throw a blanket over everyone because certain people have one opinion.”

Many state Republican parties openly oppose LGBT rights, and the national Republican party platform states: “We believe that marriage, the union of one man and one woman must be upheld as the national standard, a goal to stand for, encourage, and promote through laws governing marriage.”

Texas Republicans recently passed a policy that describes homosexuality as a disorder.

(h/t Towleroad)

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