Canada’s Justin Trudeau dubbed ‘Prime Minister of Homosexuals’ by anti-LGBT groups

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

Right-wingers have given Canadian PM Justin Trudeau a new job title for backing LGBT equality – but it’s actually pretty great.

Prime Minister Trudeau – who came to power in Canada last year –  has put equality at the heart of his leadership: appointing a diverse, expert-led gender-balanced cabinet, speaking out against homophobia, and becoming the first Canadian PM to march at Pride.

He also made history by flying a rainbow flag from Parliament Hill, and announced a raft of new trans rights protections that will bolster anti-discrimination laws on the grounds of gender identity.

But all that progressiveness has led to anti-LGBT activists laying into Trudeau.

Gwen Landolt of the ‘REAL Women of Canada’ group said: “Justin Trudeau in his boyish enthusiasm for the homosexual agenda fails to understand that he is the Prime Minister of Canada and not the Prime Minister of the Homosexuals.”

Yes, she just gave him an incredible new job title.

Canada’s Justin Trudeau dubbed ‘Prime Minister of Homosexuals’ by anti-LGBT groupsCanada’s Justin Trudeau dubbed ‘Prime Minister of Homosexuals’ by anti-LGBT groups

(Artist’s impressions)

Ms Landolt continued: “Raising a homosexual flag on Parliament grounds displays the narrow, extremist, and exclusive viewpoint of the current Liberal government.

“The rainbow flag represents the views of an activist special interest group only.

“To raise this flag is offensive to all Canadians who have knowledge and concern about Canada’s history, culture and traditions.”

Canada’s opposition Conservative party recently ditched its opposition to equal marriage, 11 years after it was made legal.

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