Meryl Streep dragged up as Donald Trump and it’s everything you’d expect

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Orange makeup, ill fitting wigs and fat suits. Meryl Streep took on her hardest role to date as…Republican nominee, Donald Trump.

The Oscar winner looked eerily similar to Trump donned in his signature black suit, red tie and large stomach.

(Photo by Steve Pope/Getty Images

Streep even pulled off the world famous wig and questionable fake tan far better than Trump ever has.

Performing at the Shakespeare in the Park Gala in New York, the renowned actress sung the ‘Kiss me, Kate’ song ‘Brush Up Your Shakespeare’ with Christine Baranski.

The song which is based on The Taming of The Shrew, is sung by male gangsters who are teaching other men about how to woo the ladies with Shakespeare lines.

Some of the lines were hilariously ironic when being sung by the dragged up Donald. “You’ll let me know, why all the women say no” and “just declaim a few lines from Othello, and they’ll think you’re a hell of a fella.”

Trump might need more than a few lines to become a hell of a fella.

Neither Streep or Baranski will be performing in the play that boasts a fully female cast, but they both worked with the director, Phyllida Lloyd on Mamma Mia.

The 66 year old strongly supports Trumps rival to the white house, Hillary Clinton, and has spoken kindly about the Democrat front runner in the past.

The respect is shared between the two powerful ladies as Clinton recently revealed she would want Meryl Streep to play her if a film was ever made.

Trump adds to the list of famous faces Streep has portrayed including the Queen, Margaret Thatcher and Emmeline Pankhurst.

Watch some of her hilarious performance below:

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