President Obama says ‘discrimination is so last century’ at White House Pride Month event

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President Obama has said that his administration showed that “change is possible”, speaking at a Pride Month reception at the White House on Thursday.

Speaking at the East Room reception, Obama noted the support of LGBT activists in helping his administration with changes made.

President Obama says ‘discrimination is so last century’ at White House Pride Month event

He said: “Together, we’ve proved that change is possible, that progress is possible.”

Going on, the President said that because of work done, “every single child feels valued.”

Speaking of young people, Obama said they understand that “discrimination is so last century.”

He added: “We live in America where the laws are finally catching up to the hearts of kids.”

As the President finished his speech at the event to mark LGBT Pride month, those in attendance chanted “four more years”.

“Progress can be reversed,” Obama continued.

“Securing the gains this country has made requires perseverance and vigilance, and it requires voting. We’re going to have to keep pushing. Tomorrow we go back to work.”

First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama last week delivered a powerful speech about the value of tolerance and diversity, in challenge to Republican Presidential hopeful Donald Trump.

Billionaire reality TV star-turned-Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump has found himself in yet another race row, after accusing a judge of bias against him due to Mexican heritage.

His latest comments came just days after Trump revoked his support for transgender equality following a right-wing campaign. The previously pro-LGBT Republican claimed in a U-turn last week that states should be allowed to have anti-trans laws, toeing his party line by insisting: “Whatever you’re born, that’s the bathroom you use.”

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