LGBT Muslims: We face homophobic and Islamophobic abuse daily – and all bigotry needs to be rejected

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Imaan, a UK-based charity that supports LGBTQI Muslims, has called for unity in response to the Orlando attacks.

At least 49 people were killed and 53 were injured in the shooting at the Pulse gay club in Orlando over the weekend.

With more than a hundred now confirmed dead or injured, the shooting is the worst in American history.

In the wake of the attacks – which were perpetrated by shooter Omar Mateen – LGBT Muslims are urging both communities not to turn to hatred.

Imaan said: “[We] condemn the attack on the LGBTQI community in Orlando, Florida and mourns the victims who have lost their lives to this senseless act of violence during the holiest month of the Islamic calendar.

“As an organisation, we are committed to supporting Muslims who are LGBTQI.
LGBT Muslims: We face homophobic and Islamophobic abuse daily – and all bigotry needs to be rejected
“Because we find ourselves at the intersection of faith, gender and sexuality, we face daily abuse from Islamophobes, homophobes and transphobes alike.

“Hatred and violence has no place in any of the communities we belong to and we reject and resist all forms of bigotry.

“We extend our love, solidarity and condolences to the Latinx LGBTQI community who have been directly impacted by this horror.

“We call on the wider Muslim and LGBTQI communities to support us in both words and actions.”

The Orlando attack has been condemned by Muslim leaders across the US.

Nihad Awad, speaking for the Council on American-Islamic Relations told reporters that the shooting was “a hate crime, plain and simple”, and warned the so-called Islamic State: “You do not speak for us”.

Since the attack, the organisation has urged the Muslim community to donate blood after a shortage due to the high number of victims.

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