Jeremy Corbyn faces vote of no confidence from Labour MPs following Brexit fallout

The current Labour leader is facing a full-blown rebellion for his failure to secure a Remain vote.

Jeremy Corbyn faces a fight for his place as Labour leader, after plans of a vote of no confidence by senior members of his party were revealed.

Margaret Hodge and Ann Coffey confirmed the move in a letter to the chairman of the Parliamentary Labour Party.

Although the motion has no formal constitutional force, it calls for a discussion at their next PLP meeting on Monday.

It will be up to the PLP chairman to decide whether it is debated. If accepted it would be followed by a secret ballot of Labour MPs on Tuesday.

Mr Corbyn’s critics say he was ‘half-hearted’ in his approach and failed to unite Labour members behind a Remain vote.

However Mr Corbyn said he was “absolutely staying”, pledging to continue to campaign against austerity, for “decent” services and a good relationship with Europe.

Despite his claims, other members of the party say he needs to “seriously consider his position” and “do the honourable thing.”

Former shadow chancellor Chris Leslie told the BBC that there were “failures” in Labour’s campaign, saying he would need “an awful lot of persuading to have confidence in Jeremy’s leadership into a general election”.

Mr Corbyn won an overwhelming victory in last year’s Labour leadership contest, but has consistently struggled to win the support of many MPs in the party.

Prior to his election, he told PinkNews that he would take a tough approach on global LGBT rights.

Following the Orlando shooting at gay nightclub Pulse last week – during which 49 people lost their lives – Mr Corbyn encouraged the LGBT community to stick together during a London vigil dedicated to the victims.

“My message is to all the readers of PinkNews – this is a fantastic turn out of people in London and other cities around the country just showing that they’re determined that the real message to those who commit hate crimes is – we will defeat them with love and solidarity and support.”

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