Man pleads guilty over homophobic threats sent to gay MP Ben Bradshaw

A man has pleaded guilty to sending a homophobic voicemail to gay Labour MP Ben Bradshaw.

Exeter resident Geoffrey Farquharson, 37, was arrested last month after launching a campaign of homophobic and racist abuse against his local MP.

Mr Bradshaw is one of Labour’s most influential LGB politicians, and previously served as Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport under Gordon Brown.

The message contained an extensive rant about gay people, paedophiles and Muslims – and Mr Bradshaw contacted police after it left him and members of his staff fearing an attack.

Mr Bradshaw said previously: “I am grateful to the police for acting so swiftly.”

In his Twitter profile, Mr Farquharson describes himself as “fighting against the loonly [sic] left and the nwo [New World Order] scumbags”.

Appearing in Exeter Magistrates Court today, Mr Farquharson admitted sending malicious communications to the MP, an offence under the Malicious Communications Act.

Mr Farquharson, who the court heard has a history of mental health issues, has been bailed on condition that he does not contact Mr Bradshaw or travel to Westminster.

The court was adjourned for six weeks ahead of sentencing.

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