This teen came out at Disneyland in the best way

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A teenage girl utilised Splash Mountain at Disneyland as she came out as gay.

16-year-old Gina came out to her mother on a trip to Disneyland California in an inventive way.

Rather than just telling her mum, she designed a rainbow-themed sign bearing the words ‘I’m Gay’ and smuggled it away for the perfect moment.

The perfect moment, it turns out, was when the pair were partway down the drop on water ride Splash Mountain.

Her sign was immortalised by the camera as they were plunging down the log flume, with her mum finally reading the message as they checked the picture in the souvenir shop.

Posting the photo on Twitter, she wrote: “this is how I came out yesterday lolol”. The post now has nearly 10,000 likes.
This teen came out at Disneyland in the best way
She told HuffPo: “I couldn’t have ever asked for a better response from my family,

“I’m truly so lucky to have such amazing support from all of my friends and family. It made this process go much smoother than I could’ve ever imagined!”

She told others in the closet: “It’s an overwhelming process, so just make sure you’re comfortable with who you are and make sure you’re prepared for questions or reactions people may have.

“I also know it’s sometimes hard to tell if you’re ready or not, so just be sure to give yourself time to really think about if you’re prepared.”

She told Buzzfeed: “I never expected it to blow up like this!

“This Twitter account was just my spam account where I posted random fangirl stuff but I decided it couldn’t hurt to post it and the result was absolutely amazing.”

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