This teen’s family threw her an incredible surprise coming out party

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

A teen has shared the amazing coming out party that her parents threw her, after she opened up about her sexuality.

New Jersey teen Kinsey Ratzman, 17, opened up to her parents about her sexuality a few weeks ago.

She says that they had directly asked because they “kind of suspected something was up” – and that after an “awkward but sweet” conversation they all carried on with their lives.

Or at least that’s what Kinsey thought was going to happen… it turns out her parents had a different plan.

Last weekend, they had convinced the teen that they were holding an early Fourth of July party.

But when Kinsey came home from the shopping mall, she instead found her family had thrown her a surprise ‘coming out’ party – complete with a spread of rainbow cake and snacks.

The teen’s family had gone to extreme lengths – with rainbow cups and plates, Pride-themed rainbow napkins, and even ‘rainbow kebabs’ with organised skewered vegetables.
This teen’s family threw her an incredible surprise coming out party
When an emotional Kinsey shared the pictures of Twitter, she received thousands of likes and retweets.

Her mum Allison explained to NBC: “Lots of people were like, ‘Are you sure you want to do that, you sure she’s gonna enjoy that? You sure she’s not gonna be embarrassed, this is kind of a whole new thing for her’.
This teen’s family threw her an incredible surprise coming out party
“But I said, ‘No, I think she’ll really appreciate it. It’ll show how much we really support her and how much we’re behind her’.”

Kinsey said: “It was so heartwarming and so sweet. I was completely shocked. I had not a clue that was going to happen.”

“Your family is your rock. If they’re not there supporting you, it’s a really upsetting feeling.

“I have many friends in the LGBTQ community whose family members don’t accept them and it really is a huge burden on their life and something they carry around every day.”

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