Sun on Sunday names Elton John in now withdrawn sexual harassment allegation

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Sir Elton John has lost a legal battle with the Sun on Sunday to block the reporting of a sexual harassment lawsuit against him.

A former staff member withdrew the lawsuit after they reached an out-of-court settlement with the Rocketman star.

Lawyers for the singer had attempted to block reporting of the case.

It had been filed at an employment tribunal in London.

The Sun on Sunday today reported that it had won its legal fight to be able to publish details of the allegation.

The staff member had left his employment with the star in June 2015, and withdrew the allegations in February.

The case was withdrawn after an out-of-court settlement was met. The details of the settlement were not published.

A spokesman for Sir Elton said: “These employment proceedings were brought after Sir Elton John’s company parted ways with one of its employees in June 2015.

“The claims were always strongly denied and we continue to deny them. Sir Elton John is pleased that the former employee withdrew them in full and that the issue was settled in February this year.”

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