Chelsea Clinton blasts Republican ‘child abuse’ over gay cure therapy platform

Chelsea Clinton has laid into the Republican Party for adopting a platform supporting the practise of gay ‘cure’ therapy.

The GOP this month adopted a new national party platform, containing some of the worst anti-LGBT measures seen in decades.

The platform rejects attempts to ban ‘gay cure’ therapy for minors. claiming “parents should be free to make medical decisions about their children without interference” – while also insisting: “Natural marriage between a man and a woman is most likely to result in offspring who do not become drug-addicted or otherwise damaged.”

It calls for the Supreme Court ruling on equal marriage to be reversed, opposes transgender rights legislation, and calls for ‘religious freedom’ laws to permit anti-LGBT legislation.

The Once and (maybe) Future First Daughter, Chelsea Clinton, spoke out about the provisions at a Human Rights Campaign and Victory Fund event this week.

In her speech, the 36-year-old said: “Everything I care most about is at risk in this election.

“When I think about the world that I hope for my children, I hope that they can be safe and secure and love and supported, and be whoever they want to be, love whomever they want to love. That vision is at risk given what Trump and Pence are currently campaigning for.

“I’ve thought about what I found most offensive last week… it’s hard to pick just one part of the Republican rhetoric which was divisive, degrading, demeaning.

“The Republican Party platform was the antithesis to all that Chad [Griffin, HRC President] celebrated for us as Democrats here: it was the most regressive, least inclusive platform in modern political history.”

“But I think what I actually found most offensive really ties to me as a mum.

“The open embrace of conversion therapy in the Republican Party platform… in other words, child abuse, to me is the clarion call for all of us to do everything we can to elect my mum, but also to elect Democrats up and down the ticket.”

She added: “We need sure that we are electing people who reflect our values, so that my mum can pass the Equality Act, so that my mum can finally federally ban conversion therapy, so that my mum can restore the military records of everyone who has served our country with honour.

“And something that is deeply close to my heart – ensure our most vulnerable youth, many of whom are LGBTQ, get the services and support they need, even if they’re not getting it at home.

“I’m going to do everything I can between now and November, to ensure that people know what’s really at stake in this election. What my mum is fighting for offers such a stark contrast to what Trump and Pence are proposing.”

“This is about my children and your children: I refuse to have a country that won’t embrace them for whomever they may be.

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