ISIS attacks Pope for tribute to Orlando Pulse victims

ISIS (Islamic State) has criticised Pope Francis for a tribute he paid to the victims of the Orlando Pulse mass shooting, saying it’s because he “comes from a long line of boy rapists”.

The attack was made in Dabiq, the ISIS-produced online magazine, as reported in the Mirror, which bizarrely attacks the head of the Catholic Church.

The Pope himself was criticised for not mentioning gay people in his tribute to the victims of the Pulse mass shooting last month.

Tributes were paid after 49 people were killed at the Orlando Pulse massacre

49 people were killed and 53 injured at the Pulse LGBT+ nightclub in Orlando, Florida, when Omar Mateen opened fire with an assault rifle.

ISIS since claimed responsibility for the attack, and Mateen called authorities from the club before he died to say the attack was

The Pope controversially scrapped plans in 2014 to liberalise teaching on homosexuality – which the Catholic Church teaches is ‘intrinsically disordered’. The Church has continued to aggressively battle against LGBT rights legislation around the world.

Despite this, the Dabiq magazine still criticises the Pope, suggesting he is pro-gay.

The article reads: “Following the Orlando raid by Omar Mateen, Francis said that sodomites ‘must not be discriminated against, that they must be respected and accompanied pastorally … The problem is a person that has a condition, that has good will and who seeks God. Who are we to judge?’

“Completely disregarding his own Church’s doctrine of judging homosexuals as immoral for engaging in the perverted act of sodomy, Francis has again sidestepped religion for the sake of public opinion.”

It concludes: “It is very possible that Francis’ care for sodomites reflects their history in the Papacy, including previous popes Benedict IX, Julius II, Leo X, and Julius III, as well as countless Catholic priests – the mention of whom has become synonymous with boy rape.

“If so, as the Pope represents his faithful followers, one could undoubtedly say that this is what Christianity has come to accept.”

Isis regularly executes men accused of homosexuality, often by throwing them off tall buildings and encouraging crowds, including small children, to stone them to death.

The latest killing came as a man was thrown from a building in the Kirkuk stronghold, before being stoned to death.

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