Watch: Black, gay, HIV-positive activist explains why he’s voting for Hillary

An African-American HIV-positive gay man delivered a speech at last week’s Democratic National Convention.

Georgian activist Daniel Driffin, the founder of local HIV support group THRIVE SS, was invited to address the conference where Hillary Clinton was confirmed as Presidential nominee.

Mr Driffin spoke about his experiences of living with HIV and outlined why he would be voting for Clinton – who recently unveiled a detailed platform on tackling HIV/AIDS.

He said: “Good afternoon. I live in Atlanta, Georgia and I serve as the co-founder of THRIVE SS. Together with more than one million Americans, I’m living with HIV. When the HIV/AIDS epidemic first emerged in the 1980’s, I was not born yet. It was a mysterious virus, then a deadly one too. It seemed to be picking off gay men one by one, especially black and Latino.”

He continued: “The community spoke out so that policymakers would take notice. And while summoning their voices, Hillary Clinton listened.

“She advocated for the increased funding for prevention and research as first lady. Then worked to increase the funding in the Senate.

“She defended the Ryan White Care Act and expanded researchers in testing and education.

“As Secretary of State, Hillary helped to ensure that 6.7 million people around the world got access to antiretroviral therapy.

“And she cracked down on the stigma around the virus and helped lift the travel ban with the help of the Congressional Black Caucus, which presented people with HIV/AIDS from entering our country.

“As a result of her work and the work of so many others, many of whom are here tonight, the number of new HIV/AIDS diagnoses are on the decline in the United States by nearly 20 percent over the last decade for certain populations.”

Mr Driffin continued: “We know how to prevent the virus now. We know how to diagnose the virus now. We know how to treat it and we know how to suppress it.

“We have learned all that within my lifetime. But still, there are many living with HIV.

“And who are most at risk? Young, gay, black men. Men like me.

“In fact one in two gay black men will be diagnosed with HIV in their lifetime if current rates continue.

“And if we have enough data, I’m sure black transgender women are more at risk too.

“So, what do we do to fight HIV/AIDS today? We invest in research and education. Expand treatment and prevention.

“And we elect Hillary Clinton. With Hillary Clinton as our president, I believe that we can meet our goals of an AIDS-free generation.

“So, as an organizer, as an advocate, as a black man, as a gay man, and as a man living with HIV, I ask you to go get tested, and then go and vote.”

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