Donald Trump accused of encouraging supporters to ‘assassinate’ Hillary Clinton (VIDEO)

Mr Trump’s comments have been labelled ‘dangerous’ and ‘hateful’.

Donald Trump sparked outrage yesterday after he appeared to suggest that Hillary Clinton could be assassinated by disgruntled gun owners.

Mr Trump made the apparent joke about his Democratic rival during a speech on gun control.

Donald Trump accused of encouraging supporters to ‘assassinate’ Hillary Clinton (VIDEO)

The billionaire was making an unscripted speech in North Carolina about the Second Amendment – which guarantees the right of Americans to bear arms.

He warned Mrs Clinton would appoint Supreme Court judges who challenge that right.

“Hillary wants to essentially abolish the Second Amendment,” he said.

“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks.”

He was then that he seemed to suggest that violence may be their only answer.

“Although the Second Amendment people maybe there is, I don’t know…

“But I’ll tell you what, that will be a horrible day.”

A man sitting behind Mr Trump spoke for everyone, as he reacted with open-mouthed shock at the remark.

Mrs Clinton’s campaign said they understood Mr Trump’s comment as one which would encourage violence against their candidate.

“This is simple, what Trump is saying is dangerous. A person seeking to be the President of the United States should not suggest violence in any way,” a spokesman said.

Donald Trump accused of encouraging supporters to ‘assassinate’ Hillary Clinton (VIDEO)

However, Jason Miller, Mr Trump’s senior communications adviser, denied Mr Trump had been suggesting his opponent be shot.

He said the Republican nominee was talking about the lobbying and voting power of “Second Amendment people”.

Mr Trump’s comments come after 49 people died and more than 50 were injured in the Orlando massacre in June.

The majority of the victims were LGBT people of colour.

See his speech below:

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