Hundreds stage ‘Big Gay Kiss In’ in Sainsbury’s after couple told to stop holding hands (VIDEO)

Hundreds of protesters have staged a ‘kiss-in’ in Sainsbury’s Hackney branch and beyond after a couple said they were warned about “immoral” behaviour after they held hands in the store.

The event aimed to encourage the supermarket to put it’s “money where it’s mouth is” when it comes to tackling homophobia.


Earlier this week, Thomas Rees and boyfriend Josh were shopping in a Hackney branch of the supermarket chain, holding hands as they did.

The pair say they were pulled aside by a security guard after they finished paying for their shopping – and warned that another customer had complained about them holding hands and showing public displays of affection.

Hundreds stage ‘Big Gay Kiss In’ in Sainsbury’s after couple told to stop holding hands (VIDEO)

After the incident, Mr Rees fumed on Twitter: “To the bigot who complained about my bf & I holdin hands & the security guard at @sainsburys who felt the need to ‘talk’ to us outside: [middle finger emoji]”.

In a further insult, a customer service rep from Sainsbury’s tweeted the pair to resolve the incident – offering them a £10 gift card as a “goodwill gesture”.

However, Mr Rees says he would rather see the store better train its staff about LGBT issues.

And it seems he is not the only one.


In the wake of the incident, a ‘big gay kiss in’ has taken place at the Hackney branch.

The event took place on Saturday from 6.30pm, with same-sex couples invited to head down to Hackney Sainsbury’s to lock lips up for equality.

Writing on Facebook, organiser Michael Segalov said: “In a year that’s seen attacks all too often on the LGBT community, it’s high time that Sainsbury’s – with profits over £500 million this year – put their money where their mouths are and use their resources to ensure that homophobia becomes a thing of the past. a £10 voucher just doesn’t cut it.

“Come down to Sainsbury’s at 7pm this Saturday: hold hands, pucker up, and tell Sainsbury’s enough is enough. oh, and invite ppl [sp].”

This is not the first time the supermarket giant has been guilty of homophobic behaviour.

In 2014, the store was forced to apologise to a lesbian couple who were warned to stop kissing by a security guard, after a customer complained they were “disgusting”.

Discriminating against someone based on sexual orientation is a potential breach of the 2010 Equality Act which could lead to a fine of up to £5000.

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