Trump supporter goes on violent anti-gay rant over shared car and cycle lane (VIDEO)

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A genuinely frightening homophobic and threatening rant by a Donald Trump supporter has been caught on camera during a disagreement between a cyclist and the car driver.

The footage was filmed by a man on a bike who remains calm as the car driver, who identifies himself as a Trump supporter, shouts and swears in his face.


The disagreement took place over a shared bike and car lane, and the car driver was later identified as Orang County resident Ryan Lewis.

In the video Lewis shouts homophobic slurs, calling the cyclist a “f**king faggot”, saying he is a “f**king dead man walking”.

The cyclist pleads: “Don’t hit me”, over and over as the man acts threateningly towards him.


Later he says: “I oughta smack you so f*cking good… If there wasn’t any witnesses, you know what I’d do to you? I’d pull Trump on ya.”

He also asks: “What are you gonna do? Put it on tape?”

Adding: “Surfer against a queer, huh? Is that what you’re gonna do, tough guy? You’re not so tough, are you, small guy?”

After the video went viral, Lewis apologised on CBS local news the same day.


“I’m just an old surfer, knucklehead, and I do apologize for using the words that I used,” Lewis said.

Watch the rant below:

Donald Trump earlier this week claimed that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are actually the founders of ISIS.

The Republican Presidential candidate made the surreal claim during a rally in Florida this week, where he was ahead of a closed-doors meeting with homophobic Christian groups.

He was joined at the event by Florida Senator Marco Rubio, who spoke on the 2-month anniversary of the Orlando Pulse mass shooting to reiterate his opposition to same-sex marriage.

h/t NewNowNext

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