Three lawsuits against Kim Davis dropped by US court

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The three remaining pending lawsuits against jailbird county clerk Kim Davis have been dismissed by a District Court.

The three pending lawsuits against the clerk, who spent five days in jail for contempt fro continually refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, were dismissed by a US District Court.

The court order stating that the lawsuits would be dismissed because enough has changed in Kentucky since the lawsuits were filed.

Since Davis was jailed for refusing to marry gay and lesbian couples, the newly elected Governor Matt Bevin signed an executive order removing county clerks’ names from marriage licenses.

Later, a Kentucky Senate Bill was introduced to change the marriage license form.

So the three lawsuits were officiall struck down.

The court wrote in its order that “in view of the fact that the marriage licenses continue to be issued without incident, there no longer remains a case or controversy before the Court.”

Since the order, Davis’ lawyer Mat Staver, the founder and chair of the Liberty Counsel, claimed that the clerk “has won”.

His statement reads: “Kim Davis has won! We celebrate this victory for her and for every American. County clerks are now able to perform their public service without being forced to compromise their religious liberty. The case is now closed and the door has been shut on the ACLU’s attempt to assess damages against Kim Davis. This victory is not just for Kim Davis. It is a victory for everyone who wants to remain true to their deeply-held religious beliefs regarding marriage while faithfully serving the public.”

Meanwhile in Wyoming, a case will go to court against a judge who in 2014 refused to perform same-sex marriages ever.

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