Bisexual men make better lovers and fathers, study claims

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The study focused on relationships between bisexual men and heterosexual women.

A new study has found that bisexual men make better lovers and fathers.

Bisexual men make better lovers and fathers, study claims

The study – conducted by Deakin University – aimed to look into relationships between bisexual men and women on a broader scale and to challenge the biphobic stereotypes often surrounding such relationships.

The findings will be outlined in a new book titled ‘Women in Relationships with Bisexual Men – Bi Men By Women’.

During the study, researchers interviews a number of women from different demographics, sexualities, and geographic backgrounds.

The only thing many of these women had in common was that they were in a relationship with a bisexual man.

Many of the women praised the “emotional depth, sexual intimacy and equitable gender dynamic of their mixed-orientation relationship”, with some claiming that they would never be with a heterosexual man again.

“Through this research and book it is my hope that we can stop presenting only the stereotypical story,” Dr Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli from Deakin’s School of Health and Social Development said in a statement.

“That all bisexual men are untrustworthy and have secret affairs; that all bisexual men transmit HIV and STI to women; that all bisexual men are abusive to their women partners.

“While we found these issues are certainly out there and we don’t shy away from discussing them, we need to lift the stigma for the women who choose to be in relationships with bisexual men and indeed say that bisexual men make better lovers and fathers,” Pallotta-Chiarolli added.

“A common element among all the women in healthy and happy relationships was open communication with their partners as they designed, negotiated and maintained the ground rules and boundaries of their relationships.”

A recent study also found that the more sex bisexual men have the more likely they are to practice it safely.

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