Michelle Obama co-hosts the Ellen Show…and we’re loving it

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Michelle Obama co-hosted the Ellen DeGeneres show on Tuesday and revealed details about America’s First Family as they prepare to leave The White House.

As well as showing off some impressive dance moves and looking as sensational as ever in a stylish map-printed dress, the First Lady discussed how her daughters are going to cope with the life upheaval.

Michelle Obama co-hosts the Ellen Show…and we’re loving it

Speaking of her teens 18-year-old Malia and 15-year-old Sasha, she said they will miss the “people” the most when it comes to leaving their home and that she is sure they will have “a tough time”.

She said: “Think about it: The girls have grown up in the White House. I mean, the staff that’s there — we see them every day.

“These are people who have helped us raise our kids. They’ve loved us. They’ve taken care of us. The minute we leave, that’s it.”

She went on: “I’m sure the girls will have a tough time. They think they’re ready, but when you’ve grown up in a place… I mean, imagine: They won’t be able to knock on a door and say, ‘Can I see my room?’. That’s not gonna happen.

“We’re trying to have them step back and really appreciate the walk on the South Lawn, sitting on the Truman Balcony. I mean, we just want to keep creating some memories for them as well.”

Michelle added that she is “proud” of her daughters for managing the situation “so well”.

“I mean, I just love them to death and the big thing I’ve always worried about was making sure that they got out of this whole,” she added.

“I’m just proud that they are poised, smart, intelligent young women.”

Michelle and her family have resided in the most famous US residence for eight years, following her husband being elected as the president in 2008.

They will move out of the White House following the election of a new president.

Hillary Clinton was selected as the nominee for the democrats in July, where Michelle Obama gave a stirring speech in support for the first female Democrat nominee.

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