The ‘eggplant flavoured’ Durex condom actually carries an important message

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

Durex is launching an aubergine-flavoured condom. Yes, really.

The unthinkable has finally happened. Earlier today Durex announced that it was launching a new aubergine-flavoured condom.

The aubergine might be your favourite suggestive emoji, but surely this is taking it a bit too far?

Bad luck for vegetable enthusiasts: it’s just a stunt from Durex. It comes as part of their drive to introduce a condom emoji, which Durex think will make it easier for young people to talk about safe sex.

Since the end of last year, Durex have been asking for a condom emoji, saying in a statement that “emojis are a crucial part of how young couples connect and research suggests that the creation of official safe sex emojis are vital to inserting messages around protection into their sexual conversations.”

Some people were furious at the thought of veggies pervading condoms:

Others had slightly more hilarious responses to the news:

It’s added a bit of comedy to our Monday, but nonetheless we’re pretty pleased that Durex aren’t branching out into vegetable flavours any time soon.

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