This anti-gay MP is very, very upset about anal sex

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An Australian MP who voted against an equal age of consent for gay sex has given a bizarre interview about his stance.

Earlier this week,Queensland became the last state in Australia to equalise the age of consent, with MPs overwhelmingly passing a bill that reduced the age of consent for anal sex from 18 to 16.

The Bill was approved by 72 votes to two, with right-wingers Shane Knuth and Robbie Katter, of the fringe Katter’s Australian Party, the only people to vote against the change.

In a surreal interview with Buzzfeed, Knuth attempted to justify his vote by equating the issue to same-sex marriage and suggesting it will lead to “a possible predatory approach to the younger generation.”

He told the outlet: “We’ve always been very consistent in, you know, our position, when it comes to, you know, same-sex marriage, or, or… what’s the other one? Same-sex marriage… Civil unions!

“And, you know, we just feel that, you know, we’d be hypocritical to support the removal of aged consent for anal sex.”

Asked why he was equating the two issues, he said: “Basically, we just do not support that position. We have constantly said a relationship should be between a male and a female, a man and a woman. We have taken a very strong position on that in the past.”

But he appeared uncertain when the interviewer asked if he was suggesting anal sex should be a crime at any age.

He said: “We just don’t believe in it full stop. Whether it’s 16, 20, 18, we don’t believe it in full stop.”

Elaborating, he said: “We don’t support anal sex, full stop. And the lowering of it. Now, you can keep trying to trick me into a different position, but I’m in good faith to ring you, to put a position forward, but what I’m saying is that we don’t support it full stop.”

Asked to clarify one last time, he said: “”I’m just making this clear to you. We don’t support it.

“We feel that reducing it down to 16, from 18 because it could be predatory, in that aspect. But in that aspect, we just do not believe in it. Full stop. In anal sex.”

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