This lesbian was escorted out of a bathroom after security misgendered her

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Security attempted to escort a lesbian woman was out of toilets at a music venue after because they thought she was a man.

Mary Looper was at a Carrie Underwood concert with her aunt when security attempted to escort her out of the women’s restroom.

This lesbian was escorted out of a bathroom after security misgendered her

A female security officer stood outside Looper’s stall demanding for proof she was a woman.

Looper was watching Carrie Underwood at the Staples centre in Los Angeles when the security mistook her for a man.

She took to Facebook to share her dismay at the ignorance of the security team.

Loopers’ friends give us hope though, as they outpour of love and support they showed for their friend is everything.

Some of them even took to the Staples Centre facebook page to complain.

“Discriminatory practices against women in the public restroom. I will never go to Staples Center and spend a dime. You need to get a grip on your policing of restrooms and specifically whether a customer is using the “correct” facility that matches their gender presentation or should we just show our genitalia to be able to use a restroom at all? Idiots!” wrote one person.

“Absolutely disappointed about the discrimination my friend experienced last night while at a Carrie Underwood show. She is a WOMAN who is tall, has short hair and boobs but was somehow escorted out of the women’s restroom by an employee because someone didn’t think she belonged in the women’s restroom. Waiting outside a bathroom stall while demanding she prove she is in fact a woman is vile, humiliating and unacceptable.” wrote another.

Looper, who said she gets mistaken for a man often, took to the comments to thank her friends for their support.

“Thanks everyone for the kind words. I get mistaken for a man all the time… It’s no secret. But, for the fact that their woman employee waited outside my stall for proof that I was a woman, didn’t believe me off my voice… That’s what hurt and had me shocked. I didn’t wanna stir anything up but never ever thought I’d be treated like that in a woman’s restroom in L.A., in the Staples Center. Just a bummer it went that far.”

Despite the experience Looper still enjoyed the concert.

“The other stuff kinda put a damper on the night but Swon Brothers, Easton Corbin, and Carrie Underwood were fantastic,” she wrote.

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