Watch: This advert sends a perfect message about families

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

A car ad on Israeli TV is getting a lots of attention for its inclusivity.

The ad was aired on Israeli TV earlier this month by Nissan, and features a little girl explaining family structures.

Speaking to the camera while different families structures evolve around her, she says: “Who’s to say what a family is? Why not two mummies, or two daddies?

“And why is there always a dog? I don’t even like dogs! Or big brothers.”

“I actually have two families, and I’m cool with that now.”

She concludes: “I think you’re a family if you live together and love together.

“The rest doesn’t matter, as long as you put your family in the center.”

The ad sends an important message to adults and children alike in the country, which has a thriving LGBT community despite opposition from ultra-conservatives.

16-year-old Shira Banki was killed and five others were wounded last July, after ultra-Orthadox Jewish man Yishai Schlissel went on a stabbing spree during Jerusalem’s Pride parade.

Schlissel was jailed for life plus 31 years for the attack, and the country’s Prime Minister later vowed to oppose homophobic hatred in Israel.

He said: “Shira was murdered by an extremist filled with hate. And this hatred has no place whatsoever in Israeli society.

“We will always fight against it. Sadly, some elements of our society are still not yet ready to accept the LGBT community.

“My solemn promise to you today is to continue fostering respect for all of Israel’s citizens, without exception.

“We will not let hate drown out acceptance.”

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