Queensland MP would back same-sex marriage bill despite disagreeing with it

Pauline Hanson has said she would vote for same-sex marriage legislation despite disagreeing with it, if that’s what the Australian plebiscite calls for.

Hanson, a right wing senate member for Queensland said in an interview with Joy FM – a Melbourne based gay and lesbian radio station – that she didn’t favour gay marriage, but would back it if it’s what the people of Australia wanted.

The One Nation co-founder explained that she did not agree with marriage equality but would support it because she is a “people’s representative.”

“I would support that because people have had their say. I’d give it my total support because I’m there as the people’s representative. I believe we’ve got to start listening to the majority and not the minority,” Hanson said.

She knocked down claims that a plebiscite would lead to increased hate crimes against the LGBT community. She said: “I think you are actually blowing that out of proportion to make that an excuse why you shouldn’t have a plebiscite.”

The senator also said that she believed if people felt so strongly about getting married, they could move to somewhere where it’s possible because “the gay and lesbian community did not require a marriage certificate and they should be content with civil ceremonies.”

“If you feel so strongly about it, I’m sure you can move to that country and then you can have that marriage.”

Hanson, who says she “had a lot of gay friends and associated with the gays and i’ve even worked with gays” believes that “the gays and lesbians are now wanting to change my way of thinking, who I am.”

She went on to say that she feels gays and lesbians are “taking away marriage from the majority of society.”

“I come from a time when there was no discussions about gay marriage or gays and lesbians living together. that’s my background, that’s what I grew up with.”

“Yes I may be old fashion for my views but if you feel so strongly about this then lets put it to the plebiscite, let the people decide.”

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