Watch: Pro skateboarder comes out as gay

Professional skateboarder Brian Anderson has come out as gay.

Anderson, who took the skating community by storm in the late 90s with his daredevil moves, revealed his sexuality on Vice Sports’ ‘Reda for the World’.

He believes that he was able to avoid speculation because he doesn’t fit the stereotype of what a gay man is.

“I was a big, tough skateboarder,” he said.

“They’re not gonna question that. Nobody thought anything.”

The 40-year-old became a professional skater in 1998 and currently has sponsorship deals Spitfire and Nike. He also launched a shoe line with the sports company in 2013.

Anderson added he thought that hiding his sexuality actually led him to take greater risks.

“A part of me was so irritated and angry from holding that in so it made me more of an animal on my skateboard,” he added.

Anderson has said the skateboarding community has embraced him since coming out and made him feel accepted.

Watch the Vice documentary below

Watch Anderson in action below

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