15 Ways Bullying Can Be Wiped Out

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Bullying is something that affects many people in many forms.

Whether it’s the schoolyard bully picking on other kids or the racist homophobe who lives next door, bigotry continues to plague us everyday.

However, the epidemic may be about to end, thanks to initiatives such as Stomp Out Bullying’s ‘National Bullying Prevention Month’, which runs throughout October.

PinkNews takes a look at 15 ways bullying can wiped out once and for all.

1 By Educating The Young

It is vital that we educate the youth of today about other cultures and lifestyles, how other people live and how other families may look.

15 Ways Bullying Can Be Wiped Out

This education in schools and at home will lead to less bullying and discrimination, making children more accepting of each other’s differences – , unlike this Jehovah’s Witness cartoon.

2 By Standing Together

It’s also important not to stand back and watch other people get bullied and to give your support when you can – just like this neighbourhood did.

Returning from vacation, Cari and Lauri Ryding were devastated to find their house had been egged and Pride flag stolen – but their neighbours restored the couple’s faith in their community by hanging similar flags outside their own houses!

15 Ways Bullying Can Be Wiped Out

3 By Not Giving Up

This inspiring 9-year-old grew his hair to give to cancer victim – despite bullying from adults and other children.

15 Ways Bullying Can Be Wiped Out

Christian McPhilamy endured taunts from classmates and adults as a result of his long blond hair – with many calling him a girl. But that didn’t stop him!

4 By Raising Awareness

After being bullied as a child, Ben Smith recently ran 401 marathons in 401 days in a bid to raise awareness – and a lot of money – for young people who are bullied.

15 Ways Bullying Can Be Wiped Out

5 By Walking In Each Other’s Shoes

Rather than bullying somebody or treating them badly because they are not the same, why not ask them about and celebrate their differences?

15 Ways Bullying Can Be Wiped Out

Many schools are now throwing LGBT awareness days and going to great lengths to teach children about sexuality and gender.

6 By Highlighting Bullying

The are numerous campaigns dedicated to highlighting the bullying so many people still face – from Stomp Out Bullying’s anti-bullying month, to their campaigns aimed at raising awareness and promoting solidarity.

15 Ways Bullying Can Be Wiped Out

7 By Learning To Forgive

Even though bullying can have a severe effect on many people, it’s important that we learn to forgive them, especially if they ask us to.

15 Ways Bullying Can Be Wiped Out

That way, we can teach them about how they made us feel and make sure that the bullying cycle stops with us – just like this dance teacher did when confronted with a homophobic parent.

8 By Telling Bullies How They Make Us Feel

This guy called one of his childhood tormentors to tell him the abuse made him feel. However, he got a very surprising response…

9 By Fighting Hate With Love

Earlier this year, an 8-year-old trans girl raised enough to build Transgender House – a safe space for trans people to visit – opposite Westboro Baptist Church, which is infamous for it’s hatred of the LGBT community.

15 Ways Bullying Can Be Wiped Out

11 By Challenging Others to Be Good

Make kindness catch on by challenging friends, classmates and colleagues to be good to one another – just like this man was!

12 By Being a Positive Role Model

Being brave enough to be different is a great of teaching other’s how to love and respect one another.

15 Ways Bullying Can Be Wiped Out

This amazing letter from a student sums up why a lesbian teacher says she feels she has to come out to her students every day.

13 By Making New Friends

Make friends with someone who you don’t know. Invite them to join you for lunch table or in an after school/work activity.

15 Ways Bullying Can Be Wiped Out

Take action and don’t let anyone live their lives in isolation.

14 By Increasing Representation

Whether it’s in the White House or on our TV screens, it’s important to have diverse, visible role models.

15 Ways Bullying Can Be Wiped Out

Just recently, Frozen star Idina Menzel said she was to see her character, Elsa, get a girlfriend to the hit movies upcoming sequel.

15 By Simply Being Kind

It can’t that hard, can it?

National Bullying Prevention Month runs throughout October. Find out more here.

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