Björk on feminism, breakups and ‘normcore sexuality’

Icelandic artist Björk has spoken out about her sexuality following split from her partner.

In an interview with Evening Standard the singer revealed that she isn’t into ‘normcore’ sexuality.

(Photo by TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP/Getty Images)

“I like a lot of erotic books and films but I just don’t find the kind of Las Vegas corset-and-fishnet-stockings thing very sexy. It’s a bit mediocre, norm-core.”

For Björk, the natural world acts as an aphrodisiac. “I like bestiality. I get turned on by nature. I don’t find urban brothel situations very hot. But that’s just my taste… like, National Geographic porn.”

The artist also spoke about getting over her recent split from her long term partner and coming to terms with the ‘idea’ of family dying out. But she’s sure she hasn’t lost her only soulmate.

“I think the soulmate thing for me distributes over quite a lot of people. I have a really good group of girlfriends and most of them are artists as well,” she said.

“I think the biggest death for me was the death of this idea of family. I have a big family in Iceland, and they all have long-term partners and children.”

But the artist wont let her breakup stop her from growing even further, despite the alleged custody battle.

“For my generation, the best proof that women can do what they want, was just to go out and get things done. That’s always been the best way for me to be a strong woman. But in the past three or four years, there’s been a new wave of feminism, especially with girls in their 20s. I thought, ‘Okay, now is the time to moan.'”

And moan she has, in the form of Vulnicura Strings, an orchestral arrangement of her album of the same name. The album has led to ‘Björk: Digital’, a virtual reality installation at Somerset House. Exhibits include Black Lake, her immersive film commissioned by MOMA, and Notget VR.

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