This politician is having a baby with her gay best friend

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An Israeli MP has opened up about having a baby with her gay best friend.

Meirav Ben-Ari, who sits in the Knesset for the centrist Kulanu Party, recently revealed she is pregnant.

The 40-year-old isn’t waiting for her Prince Charming, though – she is settling down with her gay best friend.

Speaking to the Jewish Chronicle, the politician explained that she had always wanted to be a mother, but had not found a husband.

Aware that time was running out, her gay best friend Ofir stepped up as the father.

The pair went through several rounds of IVF, and two years later Ms Ben-Ari is expecting a child.

Ms Ben-Ari said: “I’m a straight woman looking for a relationship but I didn’t want to wait.

“I really didn’t have the time and didn’t want to miss the opportunity.

“I already got messages from women saying that I encouraged them to do the same or people who said that their friends or sisters were thinking about it and I’m an example that you can be a successful woman and do this.”

She added that her news has been met with a warm response from colleagues – even from Orthodox and Arab parties.

The politician said: “I got people from the coalition and the opposition who called to congratulate me. I didn’t hear negative opinions. People encouraged me.”

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