Bisexual men earn a third less than gay colleagues

Bisexual men on average are paid 30% less than their heterosexual and gay counterparts, a study has shown.

The study also revealed that gay men and lesbians earn the same as heterosexuals, as do bisexual women.

Data gained from historical earnings of 20,000 employees in 2000 different work places in Britain revealed that gross hourly earning of bisexual men was £9.39, whilst heterosexual men earn £12.30 and gay men earn £13.33.

The study also found that per hour lesbians earn £9.87, and heterosexual women earn £9.97. Bisexual females earn £9.58.

When looking at the figures and analysing earning from similar careers Alex Bryson, the studies author, found that the average hourly earnings for bisexual men was 20% less than heterosexual men.

Gay meant earned 5% less than heterosexual men, but lesbians were paid nearly 30% less than heterosexual women if not employed in a workplace with an equal opportunities policy.

The survey analysed 312 gay men and lesbians, 118 bisexual people, 18,635 heterosexuals and 986 people who declined to identify their sexuality.

Bryson said conceded that the study “raised as many questions as it answered,” because it could not prove whether employees were discriminatory as it did not determine whether employers knew the sexuality of employees.

Bryson said: “This is a call to get other people out there to do more research on this and see what they find.”

A spokesman for Stonewall said: “We have seen in our own research that bi people experience specific discrimination that differs from other lesbian and gay people.

“Our Workplace Equality Index Staff Survey showed that just 11% of bi people see role models at work, compared with 53% of gay colleagues and 42% of lesbian colleagues.”

Research from 2014 by Nick Drydakis found that gay men earn 9% less compared to heterosexual men. However, this research found that lesbians earn 12% more compared to heterosexual women.

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