Anti-LGBT Christians defending family who want to ‘cure’ their transgender son

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A Christian legal group is defending a family who refuse to accept their transgender teenage son and claim he needs treatment for “gender confusion”.

The UK-based family, none of whom cannot be identified for legal reasons, are locked in a battle with their local authority over their transgender son Gary (identity changed to preserve anonymity)

The devout Christian family refuse to acknowledge their son’s chosen name and gender, claiming that the 14-year-old is mentally ill and can be ‘cured’.

Social Services and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) became involved in the case when Gary attempted to escape the family.

He may now be removed from the family after he was flagged as a potential suicide risk.

The family is being represented up by the Christian Legal Centre, headed by anti-LGBT activist Andrea Williams of Christian Concern.

Williams – who has previously called for gay people to ‘repent’ their sexualityspoken at ‘gay cure’ events, and claimed anti-bullying lessons are designed to promote gay sex – insisted the family were victims of a “gender ideology”.

In their release, Christian Concern referred to Gary by a female name, Bethany (also changed to preserve anonymity).

Speaking anonymously, Gary’s mother said: “We have been horrified with the prospect that the name that we gave our daughter with all the meaning that entails, will be stripped from her, all because of the social workers politically motivated ideology.

“Our daughter is mentally unwell, we believe that her present gender identity problems are part of her mental health problems. She should receive the appropriate help that she needs, rather than being forced into taking on a false identity. Our daughter is too young to make these decisions.”

Andrea Williams said: “The new transgender cultural movement is tantamount to The Emperor’s New Clothes. In gender, there is an objective reality but forces are at work in seeking to undermine the obvious. The authorities are forcing an agenda that is untrue and harmful to our children.

“This case demonstrates a shocking disregard for parental authority; no one is listening to what the parents want or have to say; they know the child best; they have the child’s best interests at heart.

“This is just another step in the wrong direction for our society. Before the law is even changed, politically motivated social workers are pushing their agenda on vulnerable families and young children. Children like Bethany need psychiatric help, not politically correct social workers forcing their politically correct agenda on families such as this. Unless misguided social workers such as the one involved here are stood up to they will wreck families. We stand side by side with this family and hope that the social workers involved and CAMHS see sense.

“It is very unfortunate that the social worker appears to have jumped to the conclusion that Bethany is transgender without even waiting for a formal diagnosis from the psychiatrist and therefore started to implement the changes that she sees fit. This is tantamount to passing sentence before the jury have returned with their verdict.”

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