Watch: David Cameron wins PinkNews Award in recognition of equal marriage

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Former Prime Minister David Cameron has been presented with the PinkNews Ally of the Year Award in recognition of his work securing equal marriage.

Mr Cameron, who left office following the EU referendum earlier this year, was honoured ahead of the PinkNews Awards this evening, in recognition of his work to transform both the Conservative Party and the country on LGBT rights.

The ex-leader, who stood down as an MP following his departure from office, has cited securing equal marriage as one of his proudest achievements in government.

He accepted the award from PinkNews publisher Benjamin Cohen alongside Subodh Rathod and Niranjan Kamatkar – who were one of the very first same-sex couples to tie the knot in 2014.

Accepting the award, Mr Cameron said: “This really does mean a lot to me.

“I think it’s about five years ago this month that I said to the Conservative Party Conference that I wanted marriage to be available for all.

“For men marrying men, for women marrying women, as well as other people being able to be getting married.

“It comes from a very simple view that the institution of marriage is a brilliant institution. I love being married, I love my wife, we’ve been married for 20 years and I think it should be there for everybody.”

In a nod to the EU referendum that led to his downfall, he added: “When you’re Prime Minister there are lots of things that you want to change – some go right, some go wrong, some are instantly forgotten.

“But I know with this, with equal marriage, it is something that has already made a huge difference to people’s lives and will go on doing so in the future.”

He continued: “In the end that’s what politics is really about. Not just policies but people’s lives and how they can live there lives.
Watch: David Cameron wins PinkNews Award in recognition of equal marriage

“I know the fact that we have equal marriage in this country is going to give people a lit of joy for many years to come.

“So having played a small role in making it happen, I’m delighted to accept this award. Thank you very much.”

His successor as Prime Minister, Theresa May, praised his achievement.

In a video address to the PinkNews Awards, she said: “Today we honour the politicians, journalists, public sector staff and volunteers who are doing so much to achieve equality.t

“I am particularly delighted that one of them, the man who made equal marriage a reality, David Cameron, is being awarded Ally of the Year.”

The PinkNews Awards is headlined sponsored by Lloyds Banking Group.

Watch: David Cameron wins PinkNews Award in recognition of equal marriage

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