We know it’s October, but there’s already an adorable gay Christmas ad

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

Greeting card company Hallmark has released an adorable Christmas ad featuring a same-sex couple.

Towleroad noted that the company debuted a new ad on Facebook this week, featuring a couple moving into their new home.

Unpacking boxes, they encounter a magic trick, an urn, and the first ever Christmas tree they bought together.

Sprucing up the fake tree, they add a ‘new home’ ornament from Hallmark.

One of the guys says: “You know what it needs? An accessory. Mi casa es su casa.”

It’s almost sweet enough to make you forget that it’s a Christmas advert in October.

The company added: “Just can’t let go of… anything? Unwrap, unpack, and commemorate the moments that matter.”

One commenter mocked the inevitable outrage from anti-LGBT groups about the ad, writing: “Hey One Million Moms.

“When you comment on this, and we know you will, please keep this in mind. LGBT people are here to stay and we are not going back in the closet.

“We have the same rights as everyone else and nothing you can do or say is going to change that. So, you have two choices. 1. Just accept it and try to get along with us, or 2. Find another group to spew your bigotry upon.”

One Million Moms recently launched a boycott of H&M after mistaking a Muay Thai fighting champ in a TV ad for a transgender woman.

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