Gay internet troll Milo Yiannopoulos goes on transphobic tour of America

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The Trump supporting conservative is taking transphobia on tour.

Internet troll Milo Yiannopoulos is courting controversy yet again, by spreading his hate-filled rhetoric across the United States.

Gay internet troll Milo Yiannopoulos goes on transphobic tour of America

The British media personality is taking full advantage of the US election, using Donald Trump’s hate-filled campaign to peddle his own transphobic rhetoric.

Yiannopoulos delivered his latest rant last week at the University of Delaware, where he claimed trans people are “gay men dressing up for attention” and described the trans community as “mentally ill”.

The former Twitter troll also labelled trans people “mutilated trannies” who are “obsessed with being victims and being given special rights.”

Yiannopoulos went on to attack gender confirmation surgery, calling it a “travesty of medicine”, before comparing it to “electro-shock therapy to cure homosexuality.”

“Trannies can never be women, or men for the small slice of women insane enough to desire to give up female privilege,” he added.

He also encouraged the audience to support anti-trans bathroom laws and drop the ‘T’ from the LGBT acronym.

However, Yiannopoulos – who calls Trump ‘Daddy’ – claims he is doing this for the good of the trans community.

“Never feel bad for mocking a transgender person,” he declared.

“It is our job to point out their absurdity, to not make the problem worse by pretending they are normal.

Gay internet troll Milo Yiannopoulos goes on transphobic tour of America

“Much like fat-shaming, if our mockery drives them to get the help they need, we may save their life.”

The speech was part of Yiannopoulos’ Dangerous Faggot Tour, which includes stops at over 20 colleges and universities.

Last month, the writer was banned from Twitter after encouraging a wave of racist and sexist abuse directed at Ghostbusters star Leslie Jones.

Unfortunately, his lack of social media presence has not prevented the Trump lover form finding a platform, as he recently appeared on the cover of queer magazine OUT – much to the outrage of its readers.

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