This ultra-conservative Christian law firm is pushing anti-LGBT laws in 22 states

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The Christian law firm that represented Kim Davis is pushing anti-LGBT laws in 22 states, it has confirmed.

Evangelical law firm the Liberty Counsel has received national attention after providing free legal representation to Kim Davis, who ignored court orders to block gay weddings, and disgraced former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore, who issued illegal extrajudicial orders to try and block gay weddings.

However, when the group isn’t providing free legal representation to anyone in the name of homophobia, it’s pursuing a more sinister political agenda on LGBT rights.

An investigation recently found that the group’s head Mat Staver has secretly been helping Republican lawmakers draft anti-LGBT legislation in a number of states, leading to a wave of anti-LGBT ‘conscience’ bills and ‘bathroom laws’ that exploit transgender issues as an excuse to strip back anti-discrimination protections.

In a message to supporters calling for donations this week, the group revealed just how many different pies its fingers are in.

Staver bragged: “Liberty Counsel is working pro bono with 22 different states in fighting the outrageous ‘bathroom’ movement.

“It is imperative that the governors and state lawmakers remain strong and fight this misguided agenda – and we will help every step of the way.”

Despite being embraced by Republicans across the country, Staver’s own personal views about gay people are shockingly extreme. He recently directly equated LGBT rights activists and paedophiles.

Staver has also previously claimed children will soon be forced into same-sex relationships, while his wife, Liberty Counsel’s president, says she brings a handgun to the toilets to scare off trans women.

He claimed: “When they go into the schools, even schools that want to resist – the Department of Education’s going to threaten their funding if you don’t do this LGBT policy. Schools are going to be changing the curriculum, they’re going to be infiltrating the schools.

“I’m not in favour of bullying, but what they’re talking about is not bullying. What they’re talking about is ‘Hey, you need to experiment as a kindergarten with whether you’re male or female. You need to, like, have some experiments and go out and have same-sex relationships’.

“This is happening now, and it will happen at a more rapid pace.”

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