Watch: Only one candidate can carry on Obama’s amazing legacy on LGBT rights

The final pre-election ad from the Human Rights Campaign celebrates years of progress under Barack Obama on LGBT rights.

Titled Obama & Clinton: Moving Equality Forward, the LGBTQ advocacy group’s final ad before election day tomorrow highlights the historic progress on LGBTQ rights during President Obama’s eight years in the White House, and hails Hillary Clinton as the candidate who will sustain the momentum and build on his legacy.

It features clips of landmark moments on LGBT rights throughout Obama’s term, from marriage equality and the repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”, to funding efforts to end HIV and ensuring the equal treatment of transgender people.

President Obama says: “We should deal with [these issues] the same way we’d want it dealt with if it was our child.

“That’s why we condemn the persecution of people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.

“We do these things not only because they are the right thing to do, but because ultimately they will make us safer.

“I want you to know that I expect – and hope – to be judged not by words, not by promises I’ve made, but by the promises that my administration keeps.”

In the ad, the President hails Hillary Clinton, who is running on the most pro-equality platform of any major party presidential candidate in history.

The President warns: “All of the progress we have made is at stake in this election. If you’re ready to continue this journey that we started, then join me. Register folks to vote. Get them to the polls. Keep marching, keep fighting, keep organising.

“This isn’t the end point, this is the beginning.”

HRC President Chad Griffin said: “President Obama is the greatest champion for LGBTQ equality to ever occupy the Oval Office.

“But all the gains we’ve made in the last eight years — all our historic progress — is at risk this election.

“We must remember that our victories have never been inevitable. We’ve fought for every battle we’ve won and with Hillary Clinton in the White House, we will continue to win.

“On the other hand, Donald Trump threatens to roll back every single victory we’ve achieved. We must preserve, honor and advance President Obama’s legacy by doing everything we can to make Hillary Clinton our next commander in chief.”

HRC has waged a mammoth campaign in support of Clinton and lower-ticket pro-equality candidates who are under threat in tight battles.

The group recently launched an ad blitz in four key states, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and North Carolina, in support of Clinton and pro-LGBT candidates.

Clinton has earned the endorsement of nearly all major LGBT groups due to her e

The Human Rights Campaign, America’s largest LGBT rights group, is backing Hillary Clinton, citing her key commitments to LGBT rights reforms and the regressive Republican platform.

Trump recently confirmed he would sign the First Amendment Defence Act, which bans the government from taking “any action against a person… on the basis that such person believes or acts in accordance with a religious belief or moral conviction that marriage is or should be recognised as the union of one man and one woman, or that sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage” – effectively banning anti-discrimination laws protecting LGBT people.

In a bid to attract support from evangelicals, Trump also confirmed he would “consider” appointing ultra-conservative Supreme Court justices to repeal equal marriage, and came out in favour of North Carolina’s anti-trans law, while his conservative running mate Mike Pence has vowed to dismantle Barack Obama’s workplace protections for LGBT people.

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